DXpedition planned at Haripur in 4th week of April 2013



AP land Pakistan Amateur Radio Society is planning to conduct a field day on this coming weekend. We shall be operating 2 HF and 2 All mode radios and would be available on the below set of frequencies. (SSB and FM)

(40 M,Band 7.060 MHZ) (20 M,Band 14.222 MHZ) (17 M,Band 18.160 MHZ) (15 M,Band 21.222 MHZ) (12 M,Band 24.990 MHZ) (2 M,Band 145.500 MHZ) (70CM Band 438.000 MHZ)


The weather is going to be clear and we would be camping on a mountain top near a town called Haripur. A total of 15 HAms would be participating which shall use their individual call signs.  Pls look out for AP2 hams.
Those who want to join may do so by calling me on 0300 8529852 or emailing on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.