Thursday, April 25, 2024

Improvement of 2 meter Repeater performance

Last weekend a visit was carried out to improve the performance of 2 meter repeater installed at Mike area. Following HAMS participated in the activity;

  1. AP2RF
  2. AP2GH
  3. AP2MKS
  4. AP2ZZ
  5. AP2MAT
  6. AP2AUM

Back up support was provided by;


The focus was to improve upon the receive as well as transmittion of the repeater. For that aA Power amplifier of 60 watts was added and an antenna height of additional 50 feet was given to the RX antenna.

Backup support stations intimated that TX signal went considerably stronger with clarity in the audio whereas AP2AKM was able to transmit from his porch operating Mobile 10 watts from Peshawar.

Over all the experiment went well with remarkable improvement on both RX and TX.

Next visit will be carried out to add CTCSS on TX of the repeater.

Adding some pictures taken at site.